
Links for Member Districts

Other Links of Interest


MCHELP is a free, anonymous texting service that allows you to find immediate help. The service is available 24/7. It is completely anonymous and is staffed with trained, licensed counselors to support anyone who has a concern or a crisis.

Reach out to get a text within minutes if you or a friend are struggling with any of the following or just need to talk: 

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Relationship problems
  • Exams or school

To download MCHelp App on the Apple Store click here.

To download MCHelp App on the Google Play Store click here.

Social Service Agencies in McHenry County

The People in Need Directory (PDF) lists agencies in McHenry County with resources to assist with various types of needs.

Local Transportation Services

Half-fare Taxi Subsidy

Some taxi companies work with the townships and municipalities to provide discounts for seniors and people with disabilities. Contact your township or city for information.