Here’s a link to the wonderful story about our Sage TR Center Opens in new window in the NW Herald.
In Summer 2012, NISRA participants began enjoying new social experiences and developing new skills in the Sage Therapeutic Recreation Center at the NISRA Office. Our building was renovated to create new spaces for activities that are difficult to schedule out in the community due to facility limitations. Critical needs have included kitchens, and art and music rooms for our popular cultural arts offerings. The Sage Therapeutic Recreation Center provides us with spaces for socially & culturally enriching programs for children, teens and adults with disabilities for years to come.
Room Rental Opportunities
Rooms in the Sage TR Center are available for rental to some community groups and families of NISRA participants. Click here for room rental information & forms (PDF).
Sage TR Center Spaces
The Sage TR Center has these spaces:
- Multipurpose Community Room. With audio-visual equipment, cable television, and some video gaming capabilities. Perfect for programs, parties, and trainings for groups up to 75 people.
- Instructional Music Room.
- Teaching Kitchen.
- Art Studio.
- Sensory Room.
- Board Room. Available for rent.

None of this could have been possible without the generous gifts from the sponsors. Click here for a full list of our sponsors (PDF).